E2R PGC is E2R SYSTEM module designed to cooperate with RADWAG balances as far as PGC testing is concerned. The main aim of the system is to synchronize products and operators’ databases and to keep record of the measuring results and PGC control carried out on the balances with PUE HY and PUE 7 linked in ETHERNET network.
The system enables to monitor particular balances in real time. Preview window displays the testing process presented in a form of chart along with the status and testing parameters. The window enables the user to initiate or stop testing operations from the computer level. The data concerning the measurements and tests is registered in databases based on MS SQL 2008 R2.
The acquired data serve as basis for quality assessment of prepacked products, with the data it is possible to assess:
Prepacked goods conformity with the law ‘On the Packaged Products’ of 7th May 2009 (Journal of Laws No. 91, item 740), concerning the requirements on quantity control of packaged products – for performance of which random measurements results are selected and sent.
Prepacked goods conformity with the internal quality control system (in the company).
E2R PGC is used in production plants where it is important to register and analyze the weighments results and CPG control processes. Modules E2R CPG like the other modules of E2R SYSTEM is a multistand software and can cooperate with several balances and PC computers.
E2R PGC functions:
Cooperation with balances based on PUE HY and PUE 7 terminals,
Collecting weighings and PGC controls to the E2R SYSTEM database (SQL database) from many balances linked in ETHERNET network,
Monitoring of the weghings and controls registered in the database,
Free data filtering,
Defining of access levels for particular users,
Files management – a possibility of adding, deleting and editing of products and operators files,
Carrying out tests:
- Conformable with the law ‘On the Packaged Products’,
- According to the internal criteria, modified in the range of: a number of batches, negative and plus values of T errors, a coefficient of acceptable middle limit calculation,
Possibility to carry out control in accordance with a particular algorithm:
average tare control;
empty – full non-destructive control;
full – empty destructive control;
empty – full destructive control;
Assigning control type and its parameters to particular products,
Monitoring of selected scales state in real time,
Possibility to start and to end control from the computer level,
Generating charts, general and detailed reports on control,
Generating several kinds of weighing reports for a determined time period: product report, batch report, scale report; heading customization option,
Defining of access levels for particular program users,
Option for application layout customization.
Basic hardware required:
PC computer working in the operational system:
- Windows 7 (excluding Starter version)
- Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2
- Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2
- Windows Server 2008 R2
- Windows Vista Service Pack 2
- Windows XP SP 3,
Dual core processor 2GHz or faster,
Operating memory 2 GB or larger,
At least 10 GB free space on hard disc,
At least 1024x768 pixel screen,
DVD drive,
Printer working in Microsoft Windows system,
Default size of system font (96 dpi).