E2R Checkweigher E2R Checkweigher

E2R Checkweigher

The software enables establishing cooperation of dynamic checkweighers with E2R SYSTEM on recording measurements carried out on scales offered by RADWAG, and connected into a network and realization of Control of Prepackaged Goods process utilizing dynamic checkweighers (collection of reports from dynamic checkweighers). Data obtained from dynamic checkweighers are saved in computer database. The system is designed with application of MS SQL data base.

The software is intended for customers in versatile industrial branches, i.e.: meat, fish, food-processing, sugar, chemical, metal, and any other that requires fast and reliable weighing process or applies Prepackaged Goods Control process carried on dynamic scales.

Module E2R Checkweigher, similarly to the other modules of E2R SYSTEM, is a multiposition software designed for cooperation with multiple scales.
The synchronization of E2R SYSTEM with RADWAG weighing instruments is provided by E2R Synchronizer application operating as service on the server.
Scales operating with E2R weighing module can be monitored in real time, by clicking E2R Manager application.

E2R Checkweigher - functions:

    Collection of weighings recorded by dynamic checkweighers;
    Adding, deleting and editing elements in the card files of Assortment and Operators.
    Preview from computer level of weighing records carried out on dynamic checkweighers.
    Sorting collected weighing records by applied filters:
        assortment batch,
        operator name,
        article name,
        weighing date,
        net weight,
    Summary of filtered data in a form of:
        sum of carried out weighings, number of carried out weighings,
        mean from carried out weighings, minimal weighed mass, maximal weighed mass.
    Operation on large amount of data in real time.
    Difining access levels for each operator.
    Export of weighing records to external files in format XLS and CSV.
    Export of reports to files: PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, XLS, CSV, TXT.
    Generation of general and detailed reports from collected weighing record.
    Generation of charts from weighing records carried out in specific time interval.
    Generation of reports in format: “PGC”, “Standard”, and “With variable assortment”, sent from dynamic checkweigher level.
    Status preview of a dynamic checkweigher plugged to E2R System through E2R Manager, which is a component of E2R Checkweigher.
    Generation of a chart for a specific checkweigher in real time with current limits settings and Qn value of controlled assortment.
    Switching on/off collecting single weighing records and their reporting. the setting is determined by computer configuration on which E2R Checkweigher is installed.

Module E2R Checkweigher comprises applications E2R Synchronizer and E2R Manager required for collection of data from dynamic checkweighers to E2R SYSTEM.

Essential hardware requirements:
The recommended server configuration for correct operation of the E2R Checkweigher application and effective report generation from large amount of collected weighings from dynamic checkweighers:

    Specification of server engine E2R SYSTEM;
    Server engine software required for correct operation of E2R SYSTEM:
        Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard R2 64bit/x64 1-4CPU PL 5Clt;
        Microsoft SQL Server Standard 2008 R2.
    Display operating with minimal resolution 1024x768 pixels

It is possible to install E2R Checkweigher application on a computer with lower system specification, but then the function of automatic saving of weighing records into E2R database has to be deactivated – option of registering weighing records carried out by the dynamic checkweighers will be inaccessible!
Essential hardware requirements for deactivated automatic saving of weighing records into the E2R SYSTEM database:

    Procesor 2 GHz;
    RAM 2 GB;
    OS MS Windows XP/Vista/Windows7;
    Minimum HDD 10 GB free space;
    Display operating with minimal resolution 1024×768 pixels.

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