Cântarele multifuncționale TMX / H sunt fabricate fie în varianta standard, concepute pentru scopuri generale de cantarire sau extinse , in urmatoarele versiuni:
TMX / E / H - Cântare pentru etichetari
TMX / D / H - Cântare pentru dozari
TMX / R / H - Cântare pentru realizare formule/ amestecuri
Cântarele multifunctionale TMX / H sunt echipate cu indicatoare model PUE 5 incluse in carcase din oțel inoxidabil.
Platforma de cantarire este în întregime din oțel inoxidabil OH18N9
Indicatorul de cântărire este echipat cu un "ecran tactil panoramic de 15,6" TFT color care funcționează la o rezoluție de 1366 x 768 pixeli.
Toate cântarele din familia TMX cooperează cu aplicatia software E2R SYSTEM cu ajutorul caruia se pot urmarii si gestiona diferite faze ale unui proces de cântărire.
Conectarea indicatorului la platforma de cantarire este posibilă numai prin intermediul unui cablu cu lungimea de:
- 1 metru lungime pentru platformele H1,
- 2,5 metri lungime pentru platforme H2.
Platformele TMX se pot conecta cu o platformă de cântărire suplimentară.
Statistiscs function registers and analyses performed measurements. This supplies the user withthe following information: Max and Min standard deviation, average value, variance, range et.
Plus/Minus Control
Function using mass measurement for determination of measured items quantity. Mass of a single item is required for this process. It may be either estimated through weighment or taken from a database. For items counting the following algorithm is used: all items mass / single item mass = quantity. Function operation is supperted by a mechanism of Automatic Correction of Accuracy. This allows to update single item mass in course of the process. To a certain extend Automatic Correction of Accuracy eliminates error which may be a result of different mass values of seemingly alike single elements. For industry solutions items counting may be simultaneously carried out with checkweighing and dosing thus industry solutions feature audio signalling base informing that specified number of items has been weighed. It is possible to apply weighing systems using few platfroms of different MAX capacities and different accuracies.
Marking products with the right symbols contributes to quick and reliable identification. The balance/scale usually transfers product mass or product quantity to the label printer. The transferred value is printed with the following information: bar code, pictogram, content, address etc. In laboratory the labelling is performed in a semi-automatic mode, for industry in an automatic one (dynamic scales).
Sed sed libero mauris. Sed faucibus mauris sed diam elementum sagittis. Pellentesque eget dolor eu arcu rutrum porttitor. Ut at massa a mauris elementum viverra rhoncus efficitur orci. Nunc sed sem tortor. Vivamus vel arcu ac neque interdum aliquam.
Checkweighing function is used for checking whether the measured sample mass is within the predefined threshold values, Low [LO] and Hgh [HI]. The thresholds are given in [g] and [kg] units. Current state of a sample being measured is signalled by means of pictorgams located on a display for laboratory balances, for industrial scales Stackligt System is used. This visual +/- inspection is in operation during segregation, control or packing process of products for which mass has bees determined with a specifaied tolerance, eg. 12860 g 961
Capacitatea maxima [Max] | 1,5/3 kg |
Minimum load | 10 g |
Readability | 0,5/1 g |
Tare range | -3 kg |
Pan Size | 250x300 mm |
Working temperature | 0 ÷ +40 °C |
Atmospheric humidity | 10÷85% RH no condensation |
IP rating | IP 68 - construction, IP 67 - indicator |
Power supply | 100 ÷ 240 V AC 50 ÷ 60 Hz |
Display size | LCD 15,6'' or 19'' (touch screen) |
Interface | 4 x USB 2.0; 2 x RS 232; RS 485; Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbit |
Inputs/Outputs | 4 IN / 4 OUT |
OIML Class | III |